Wednesday, June 4, 2008

A Day at the Lake

This was last year at Lake Dillon in CO. It was a bit cloudy and cold for fishing. You know, as a mom you have these bright ideas... well I had this vision of taking the girls fishing, wouldn't that be fun??
Well problem #1 with girls, usually have to pack soooo much stuff... you know... JUST IN CASE! So, not only did we have way too much food and drink (I guess I secretly thought we'd get lost and need to survive LOL) WE DIDN'T TAKE FISHING GEAR!!! I guess I thought we could rent??? Silly me... So there we go to the sporting goods store, to buy 4 fishing rods a tackle box, worms, the whole works. So there goes about $150. Oh well, this should be fun. Now we have to go down to the lake from the parking area..... no biggie...... oh crap, we have our cooler which is filled with ice+drinks+munchies= HEAVY! And how about that, I have flip flops on (I wanted minimal tan lines ya know)! Always thinkin' ahead, Marie.
Problem #2, we have to prepare the fishing lines. Oh, wait.... the bait we bought was... um... worms...and oh gosh they are ALIVE!!!!!!! EEW!!!!! Nice going Marie..

1 comment:

Hayley said...

Love the story....I would do the same thing!!!
